You want to continue the investment process following the VC or investor expressed interest in your business. A virtual data room will be needed in this stage to share more detailed documentation of your business model, company strategies as well as financials, traction, and other information. This large dataset of documents requires to be tracked, organized and easily accessible. This feature can be provided by an equity platform that is private. It is important to find a provider who offers security, tracking and granular permission control to ensure that the appropriate information is available to the appropriate stakeholders.

Investors might also have to look over your shareholder agreements, articles, and consolidated balance sheet. This information being available in a virtual space can simplify due diligence process, which will result in an easier decision and a quicker term sheet presentation. In addition, if you have investors who are in the same field or network, having this the pros and cons of vertical consolidation for business information at their fingertips will help them build confidence in your team as well as your business.

Make sure to include only documents that are relevant and up-to-date in your investor data rooms. Included information that is outdated or inconvenient could hinder the investor’s review, possibly leading to frustration and confusion. It’s a good idea include a brief messaging or commenting feature within the virtual data room, so that investors don’t have to leave the platform in order to ask an inquiry or to decide whether or decision to not.